Heroes Story |

*** Note: For track strategies, please visit the tracks page. ***
One evening in Metal City, Tails' radar picks up a Chaos Emerald. As he looks for it with Sonic and Knuckles, they spot three conspicuous birds flying through a window. No, from the inside, unfortunately, it's not a Windex commercial. I'll spare you the poor scripting with a general summary:
Sonic: "Oh, my! It would appear those oddly-shaped avians have defenestrated themselves from that building!"
Tails: "And they also have the Chaos Emerald! Oh, oh, deary me!"
And so they give chase. |
Knuckles manages to knock the fat one off his board, and Sonic steals it Grand Theft Auto Shadow the Hedgehog style. Sonic manages to catch up to them with a speed that you'll find impossible in the actual game, and plays with the green one for a little while. Somewhere along the line, Sonic has the realization that he's never ridden an Extreme Gear before and gets knocked off by a sneaky attack. The birds get away. Even the fat one, which makes zero sense because he was knocked out. But ok, we'll play along.
The next day, Sonic and his posse head to Metal Plaza for...uh, plot development. An enormous monitor comes on at the front of the plaza with a message from Dr. Eggman! He's hosting a racing tournament he calls the "EX World Grand Prix" (pronounced "X," not "eee-ecks") and he wants all competitive extreme gear riders to enter. |
Eggman goes on to reveal the catch: the entrance fee is one Chaos Emerald per racer. But Sonic fails to see his plan when he notices that the three birds are Eggman's stars for the race. He decides to enter without any questions.
Sonic's mind was made up. But just what is Eggman really planning? And who are these three mysterious new characters? Just how much of this game's revenue will end up in Yuji Naka's retirement fund? Stay tuned to find out!
Metal City
Character: Sonic
Gear: Blue Star
Goal: Finish in first, second, or third place!
After the race at Metal City, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles go for a walk on what appears to be a nature trail of some sort near the next venue, Splash Canyon. Amy catches up with them to inform Sonic that she's entered the EX World Grand Prix too. Unrelated to everything thus far, Tails gets an epiphany about the mysterious trio we saw earlier...
After examining Sonic's gear (ok, stop laughing), Tails comes to the conclusion that the trio's gears had the insignia of Babylon on them. He goes on to explain that long, long ago, there was a floating island known as "Babylon Garden," a home to robbers. According to rumors (OMG n00b), a particularly special group of thieves, the "Babylon Rogues," upset the gods and got their island destroyed. Because their island was destroyed, the Babylonians sort of spread around. Maybe they all fell from the sky? I dunno, but anyways, they were never to be found again. But some MORE rumors say that the Babylon Rogue's treasure still lies on the island...the island that was destroyed. Right. And even more rumors suggest that the Babylon Rogues were extreme gear experts. Evidently, the only thing these Babylonians didn't excel at was shipbuilding. Knuckles interrupts with the question bothering us all: how can the gear hover off the ground like it does? Tails informs us that "according to the Kutta-Joukowski Lift Theorem, the control surface flow is balanced by the inverse kinetics of the - " and then Knuckles head is destroyed like the island. Good thing we get yet another interruption to make this conversation even more fulfilling.
Wave the Swallow comes along and "disses" Tails' m4dz0rz ski11z0rz as a mechanic, promptly exits, and infuriates everyone. Tails goes up for the next race.
Metal City
Character: Tails
Gear: Yellow Tail
Goal: Finish in first, second, or third place!
Knuckles and Storm run into each other at Egg Factory and get in a little fistfight. The stupidity of their encounter isn't worth a description, but in the end, they decide to settle things on the track.
Egg Factory
Character: Knuckles
Gear: Red Rock
Goal: Beat Storm! (Finish in first place!)
Sonic flies through the treetops at Green Cave, putting Tails and Knuckles in awe at the results of his "learn to airboard really effing well in 24 hours or less" class. Jet watches from the sidelines and "disses" Sonic's ability after "checking him out." First he wears girls' boots, now he checks Sonic out. Maybe that's why he's a bit green (ZING). Anyways, Jet claims that Sonic can't fly because he's not a bird. Thank you for clearing that up, Sega. Tails finds a way to make Sonic's gear work better and gets really angry when he thinks about what Wave said to him earlier. Get ready for some 'TAAAIIIILS SMAAAAAAASH!!'
Green Cave
Character: Tails
Gear: Yellow Tail
Goal: Beat Wave! (Finish in first place!)
Now it's time for the real deal! The final showdown! The...the last level in Sonic games that never actually ends up being the last level. But Sonic doesn't know that and he doesn't care! After all, Eggman can't possibly have any alterior motives, right? Sonic puts his emerald in the pot and gets ready to race.
Sand Ruins
Character: Sonic
Gear: Blue Star
Goal: Win the EX World Grand Prix! (Finish in first place!)
As Sonic nears the finish line in this race, Jet realizes he's going to lose. Wave realizes it too and presses a button that causes Sonic's board to explode (explained in the Babylon story). Sonic is knocked out and Jet crosses the finish line first. |
As Jet claims his prize, Sonic is struck with disgust at the unfair ruling, but as Eggman said in the introduction, "anything goes!" Jet gladly takes the emeralds and pulls out a little box that begins to react with them.
This little box shoots out a big beam across the desert, and an island begins to rise from the sand into the sky. Jet instantly realizes it's the fabled Babylon Gardens that his ancestors once lived on. As he dreams, Eggman comes out from the crowd, steals the box from Jet, and flies away towards the island to claim the secret treasure for himself.
Amy realizes what is happening and heroically jumps onto the Eggmobile to stall Eggman's getaway. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles hop on the Tornado to go after him, while Jet finds his own means of transportation.
As Sonic jumps off the Tornado to get on the island, Tails tosses him a new gear: the Blue Star II. It's better, faster, stronger, and...better, so Sonic gladly takes it and chases Eggman. When he lands, Jet catches up to them. They exchange a few taunts and decide it's time for the final challenge. Finally, that is.
Babylon Gardens
Character: Sonic
Gear: Blue Star II
Goal: Defeat Jet once and for all! (Finish in first place!)
As Sonic crosses the finish line first, Jet dramatically flies off his board and hurls onto the ground with a painful thump in self-torture. Victory! Sonic follows the sound of Eggman's laughter and finds him trying to open the door to the treasure. But he can't do anything: he's holding Amy hostage! Sonic creates a tornado to decrease the visibility around them. When Eggman looks up, Sonic is nowhere to be seen.
But Sonic sees him, and that's what matters. In classic payback action, Sonic uses the same attack that Jet used to knock him off his board at the beginning of their adventure. The result sends Eggman and Amy flying upwards in a tornado spin. Sonic forgets about Amy and heads over to Jet.
Sonic returns the stolen box to Jet, who reluctantly takes it back only after being pressured by Wave. As the day ends, Amy magically reappears behind Sonic. And she's mad. Oh, crap. Next we get some of the best facial expressions in Sonic's history.
lol, m i rite??! The day comes to a close and everyone goes home, unhappily ever after. THE END. EXCEPT NOT. You've just unlocked the Babylon Story!
...which I haven't covered yet! Come back later for a similar walkthrough.