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Babylon Story

- Gameplay
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- Heroes Story
- Babylon Story
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Last Updated:

Sonic Team
Sony Playstation 2
Nintendo Gamecube
Microsoft X-box

[Not Yet Available]
The scene starts with Jet resting peacefully in his office, located on the Babylon Rogue's massive airship. The pace doesn't last long: Storm barges in and tells Jet that they've got trouble! But Jet isn't interested in trouble, he's interested in finding the lost treasure of the Babylonians.
Unfortunately for Jet, the "trouble" comes in uninvited: Eggman has a proposal. He's figured out that the seven Chaos Emeralds, among other things, are the key to unlocking the treasure. Because Eggman is naturally such a nice person, he doesn't really want anything in return - he just wants to set up a way for them to get all the emeralds.
Eggman tells Jet about a pest that he can't get rid of, namely, Sonic the Hedgehog. Jet goes on to claim that he might be the fastest thing on the ground, but there's no way Sonic could beat him in the skies. Letting his pride take control, Jet accepts the "challenge" and decides to work with Eggman. Off to the first race!
Night Chase
Character: Jet
Gear: Type-J
Goal: Finish in first place!
In a surprising turn of events, Sonic Team has decided to become accountable for plot development! This is the same scene from the Heroes story when Wave examines Sonic's board, except this time we can see that she's actually quite concerned about the build quality, so much that she has to sabotage it with the bomb she'll end up using in Sand Ruins.
Splash Canyon
Character: Wave
Gear: Type-W
Goal: Beat Amy! (Finish in first place!)
This cutscene takes place after the race from the Heroes story. Storm has lost to Knuckles, and in attempts to formulate an excuse, he says that Knuckles must have had better gear.
As the team's mechanic, Wave is rather offended by this comment, and some of the most offbeat dialogue in Sonic history ensues.
Jet gets everyone to shut up and announces that Eggman might be hiding something, but because all the big signs pointing to doom and destruction aren't quite enough to reach any conclusions, he wants to send Storm into Eggman's base to find secret information. Right.
Ice Factory
Character: Storm
Gear: Type-S
Goal: Evade the Robots! (Finish in first place!)
Green Cave
Character: Wave
Gear: Type-W
Goal: Beat Sonic! (Finish in first place!)
Sand Ruins
Character: Jet
Gear: Type-J
Goal: Win the EX World Grand Prix! (Finish in first place!)
Sky Road
Character: Wave
Gear: Type-W
Goal: Escape from the Robots! (Finish in first place!)

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