Walkthrough :: Sand Oasis |
Sand Oasis is a pretty straightforward stage. The only real traps are the spike balls and the bottomless pits. Keep in mind that you won't be able to complete all of the missions in this stage at once. You'll need to level up a bit a move on to the other stages, then come back at your leisure. |
1. Go for the Goal
Objective: Find King Shahryar!
Available After: Lost Prologue 8 "Paragraph 08"
Fire Soul Locations:
- Requires Splash Jump ability. Activate the switch underneath the floating spike ball located between the section of ramps over the water and the fire temple. Jump onto the pillars that rise out of the sand, and do a homing attack on the three enemies that appear. Land on the upper platform after hitting the third, and jump on the spring at the end to be launched into a fire soul.
- Inside the fire temple, a fire soul is suspended in the middle of a ring of pearls over a flame coming out of the wall. Jump over the flame and into the pearls.
- Near the end of the level, jump onto a rail suspended between two platforms that allow you to reach the final corridor. A fire soul is located at the end. Hit the spring right afterwards to avoid falling into the water.
Big the Cat Sighting: At the first section with collapsing pillars, stop at the last pillar for a few seconds.
Gold Requirement: 03:40:00 // Silver Requirement: 04:30:00 // Bronze Requirement: 06:00:00
Experience: 4000
Missions Unlocked: Sand Oasis 2 - Diehard Challenge
Pages Unlocked: The King is Found! (Chapter 8)
2. Diehard Challenge
Objective: Don't Get Defeated! Go through a segment of the course without getting killed by an enemy or a trap, or by falling into a pit.
Available After: Sand Oasis 1 - Go for the Goal
Fire Soul Locations:
- Requires Splash Jump ability. Activate the switch underneath the floating spike ball located between the section of ramps over the water and the fire temple. Jump onto the pillars that rise out of the sand, and do a homing attack on the three enemies that appear. Land on the upper platform after hitting the third, and jump on the spring at the end to be launched into a fire soul.
- Inside the fire temple, a fire soul is suspended in the middle of a ring of pearls over a flame coming out of the wall. Jump over the flame and into the pearls.
- Near the end of the level, jump onto a rail suspended between two platforms that allow you to reach the final corridor. A fire soul is located at the end. Hit the spring right afterwards to avoid falling into the water.
Big the Cat Sighting: At the first section with collapsing pillars, stop at the last pillar for a few seconds.
Gold Requirement: 03:40:00 // Silver Requirement: 04:30:00 // Bronze Requirement: 06:00:00
Experience: 3000
Missions Unlocked: Sand Oasis 2 - Diehard Challenge
Pages Unlocked: The King is Found! (Chapter 8)
3. Head to Head
Objective: Beat Uhu to the Goal! You'll be racing a little blue orb, the "wind genie Uhu," across a small section of the course. You'll need to use the Speed Break ability gained from the Evil Foundry stage to stay caught up. Use Speed Break on a straightaway, and time your jumps at the end.
Available After: Evil Foundry 1 - "Go for the Goal"
Gold Requirement: 00:45:00 // Silver Requirement: 00:50:00 // Bronze Requirement: 01:00:00
Experience: 3000
Missions Unlocked: Levitated Ruin 1 - Go for the Goal
Pages Unlocked: Ali-Baba's Advice (Chapter 8)
4. No Pearls
Objective: Don't Get Any Pearls! Go through a section of the stage , but don't grab any fire pearls. Make sure you don't attack enemies either, because they'll give ou a pearl bonus.
Available After: Alf Layla wa Layla Battle
Gold Requirement: 00:38:00 // Silver Requirement: 00:45:00 // Bronze Requirement: 01:20:00
Experience: 3000
Missions Unlocked: Sand Oasis 8 - Perfect Challenge, Evil Foundry 4 - Head to Head
Pages Unlocked: None
5. Special Challenge
Objective: Don't Break the Jar! Go through another segment of the course without breaking any pots. There's a fire soul located directly over a pot at the beginning that you can get if you time your jump right. You'll probably have to redo this one a couple times because the pots are placed around corners near the end.
Available After: Sand Oasis 2 - Diehard Challenge
Gold Requirement: 01:00:00 // Silver Requirement: 01:10:00 // Bronze Requirement: 01:40:00
Experience: 3000
Missions Unlocked: Sand Oasis 6 - Diehard Challenge, Sand Oasis 9 - Special Challenge
Pages Unlocked: A Grateful Ali-Baba (Chapter 8)
6. Diehard Challenge
Objective: Don't Get Defeated! Similar to the previous one. It's a little harder because there are more bottomless pits to fall into, as well as more traps.
Available After: Sand Oasis 5 - Special Challenge
Gold Requirement: 01:10:00 // Silver Requirement: 01:20:00 // Bronze Requirement: 01:45:00
Experience: 3000
Missions Unlocked: None
Pages Unlocked: None
7. Beat the Clock
Objective: Finish Within 120 seconds! This is relatively easy. If you die, restart the level because the clock will keep going.
Available After: Sand Oasis 6 - Diehard Challenge, Sand Oasis 10 - Collect Rings
Gold Requirement: 01:17:00 // Silver Requirement: 01:25:00 // Bronze Requirement: 01:40:00
Experience: 3000
Missions Unlocked: Sand Oasis 13 - Defeat the Boss
Pages Unlocked: Sand Scorpion Appears (Chapter 8)
Special Challenge
Objective: Break 5 Jars! Use your homing attack on jars throughout the level. There are more than five, but the level loops around at the end and the jars regenerate.
Gold Requirement: (Unknown) // Silver Requirement: (Unknown) // Bronze Requirement: (Unknown)
Fire Souls: 3
Experience: ???
Collect Rings
Objective: Collect 99 Rings! Your ring counter will expand to 99 for this level, so you don't have to worry about leveling up first. The level does have an ending, so you must get 99 before you reach it.
Gold Requirement: (Unknown) // Silver Requirement: (Unknown) // Bronze Requirement: (Unknown)
Fire Souls: 3
Experience: ???
Objective: Defeat 20 Enemies! Easy to do with your homing attack.
Gold Requirement: (Unknown) // Silver Requirement: (Unknown) // Bronze Requirement: (Unknown)
Fire Souls: 3
Experience: ???
Boss: Sand Scorpion |
Defeat the Boss
Objective: Battle! Sand Scorpion! The first boss of the game is also one of the easiest. Start out by collecting rings. Get close to the creature and it will try to attack you with its claws. When it does, jump to make a homing point appear. Attack as soon as it goes red, and keep the homing chain going until you hit the big eye on its back. After doing that twice, it will flip around and attack you with its big eye. Jump and continuously use the homing attack on the eye to defeat it.
Gold Requirement: (Unknown) // Silver Requirement: (Unknown) // Bronze Requirement: (Unknown)
Experience: ???