Co-Webmasters |
AIM: ZekeTehGeek email: zekethegeek@gmail.com SWMB Profile |
Originally born on the planet Ergo, Gamerguy was marooned on this Earth a lost and confused man. It wasn't until he discovered Sonic the Hedgehog that his life's purpose became clear, and he travelled the land collecting every piece of blue blur information he could find to deposit into an online repository that became known as "Sonic World." Then he woke up, and started making this site one stormy night on a Windows 95 Packard Bell PC with a 56k internet connection at the age of 13. But hey, they all have to start somewhere, right? Gamerguy has run Sonic World in his free time ever since, whenever he's not busy rolling his katamari. |
AIM: DiegoTehMexican MSN: diegotehmexican@gmail.com email: diegotehmexican@gmail.com SWMB Profile |
AIM: Chaohero2 email: zeketehgeek@gmail.com SWMB Profile |
Assistant Webmasters |
AIM: ChanseyQaz MSN: invaderfiz@yahoo.com YIM: invaderfiz SWMB Profile |
Fiz is an April Fools Joke. No, seriously, she joined the forums on April 1st of 2004. Totally April Fools man. In all seriousness, Fiz is n00b destroyer extrodinare. She started out as being rather hated when she first joined, but after a while began to gain respect for being so damned awesome. Within a year or so, she became a moderator and a while after that, an admin. A nazi admin at that. Actually, more like pirate admin. She's also the head artist and the official SWMB WTF!? |
Staff |
MSN: Chacron66@msn.com email: Chacron66@msn.com SWMB Profile |
Chacron has the darkest mind of any member around these boards. His never-ending "experimental" fanfiction has had numerous people banned from their school library simply for clicking on the link. IM him and you're likely to get an insight into what superfluous amounts of alcohol can do to your brain. Nazi mod? Get on the wrong side of this guy and you'll end up well and truly gestaponed. Although if catch him on a normal day and he's 23 and from the English south coast and likes to pretend he's got nine tails and mind powers whilst listening to rock music and devouring home-made food and fine quality scotch. He says hello. And please remember to feed the chao. And if you want to know more, he hopes you like reading. |
AIM: Flamable2004 SWMB Profile |
Flame joined SWMB in early April 2004. Going by "sonicxtreme" for awhile, Flame managed to n00b up the board while flying under the radar of the staff. After half a year of screwing everything up, he somehow managed to make SWMB family. What the staff were drinking that night is anyones guess. Simple another half year later he obtained a co-webmaster spot, answering a wanted ad posted by Gamerguy. Since then, he goes around and suspends members for no reason, while trashing topics at random. But in all reality, Flame is one of the most seasoned moderators on SWMB, having been a moderator at countless forums, an administrator at three forums, as well as his own for more than two years. Flame has also been referred as the male clone version of Fiz, so don't be alarmed if something completely off the wall pops up on the board. |
AIM: HyperBloodblaze email: Garra-Kun@hotmail.com SWMB Profile |
The ultimate and best person on the intenets, Gaara, started his life out as Bloodblaze (his fancharacter) and evolved many times throughout the 2 years of him being a member at these boards, but he was still super awesome and super cool. He became a staff member within a year of him being on the boards because he is so excellent and is better than Snowfox in everyway. To put it short, these boards would be nothing without Gaara, so give him three cheers! |
Hyper Knuckles
Xfire: televisedloser7 email: televisedloser@hotmail.com
SWMB Profile |
MSN: solidsnake1337@adelphia.net email: ??? SWMB Profile |
The Finest Shadow
AIM: TheFinestShadow email: shadowsrevenge96@gmail.com SWMB Profile |
The Finest Shadow, alternatively known by a bunch of other screwy names, joined SWMB in 2004. He started off skeptical of Sonic World, but he proved himself to be random idiot in the following months, going from a nobody to a beloved, warm, kind, backstabbing, popular member. As he began to settle in more, he started an angst spree. TFS was known to jump into things and ANGST ANGST all over them. There was even a whole flame war about the word “emo” that he basically started. But recently, he’s calmed. TFS finally made it to a forum mod, and then later global mod spot. Now, he doesn’t have emo flip outs on SWMB anymore. Only in his personal life. He still is very active at Sonic World, but don’t be scared if angsty rant is around the corner; it’s just TFS having some fun. |
AIM: WhiskerFox MSN: Blizzardwolfie@hotmail.com email: ??? SWMB Profile |
MSN: falling_into_infinity@msn.com email: ??? SWMB Profile |